Psychic Boot Camp in Costa Rica!

Save the Dates! November 2nd through November 11th, 2017 This is set to be the Mind, Body and Soul Trip of a lifetime. Costa Rica is a magical place with powerful energetic fields abounding; vibrations, sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. These rich sensitivities, plus a heightened sense of your intuition, will deepen your understanding of the mind, body connection. Costa Rica is known for its convergence of lands, flora, and fauna from the merging of the north and south Americas. It makes perfect "sense" to convene and have a convergence of the mind, body, and soul in this hidden paradise. Your heart and mind, along with your physical body, can perceive hidden truths which will only be revealed during this experience, in this region of our planet. Your truth will be expressed from a different dimension. If you have ever wanted to explore the process of developing your psychic abilities, then you MUST join us for this powerful experi...