Are You Ready to Unleash Your 6th Sense?

PREVIEW Workshop Psychic Boot Camp in San Pedro! Sunday June 25th, 11:00 AM at Absolute Best Studios Click here for details about our trip. Have you ever wondered about your intuitive abilities only to dismiss them thinking you could NOT possibly have those powers? Others might have a 6th sense, but not you! What if this is your time? What if, by going to a very sacred place, like Costa Rica, richly charged with psychic energy, you could learn to tap into that power? Would you go? ********************************************************************************* What Would Your Life Look Life If You Did Possess This Power? Come share your experiences, curiosity and learn the basics of how to develop your intuition. Sunday, June 25th, at 11:00 to 12:30 PM at our studio. Absolute Best will be hosting a Sneak Preview of our "Psychic Boot Camp" Costa Rican Retreat. This insider's look into our course will ...