More About The Spirit of Love

Love gives us a sense of belonging.  Today, technology forces us to text instead of talk, email instead of write, and use social media to show off the best parts of our lives.  It's now normal to "phone it in."  It seems that our current social climate is forcing us into virtual relationships rather than real ones.

Would you agree that technology is separating and isolating us rather than unifying and connecting us?  If so, you probably realize that truly connecting with another human being requires you to use your senses, touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste.  It's an entirely different experience to get a real hug and a kiss from someone than to receive an emoji of a heart and some puckered up lips.    

Our goal during our Emergence of the Spirit of Love Adventure and Yoga Retreat is to allow you to experience this journey by engaging all your senses.  We have prepared a blend of heart-pounding eco-tours with meditation and yoga to enliven your soul.  Your adventures on this trip will stimulate your senses, body, mind, and spirit, all in one fantastical trip of a lifetime. 

The feedback you receive from your bodies and the world around you is what makes you feel alive! Sharing your hopes and dreams with like-minded people is what connects you to your humanity and the eternal Spirit of Love.   

Together, rather than on our own, we can lift ourselves up to greater heights.  However, our day to day existence has us so focused on external activities, intelligent technology, and on achieving success in our lives that we forget our most basic human need, Love. 

Treat yourself to one of the greatest adventures you will ever experience in your life.  Give yourself the gift of love and join us on this nature-filled journey through Costa Rica.  Wake up each morning and do Kundalini Yoga, feel the coolness of fresh rushing waterfalls, venture into whitewater river rafting, relax and hang out on the beach, surf, paddleboard, snorkel, and zip-line through the lush tropical jungles of Central America.  Eat clean, healthy foods, learn how to feel into your heart, and love yourself again.    

You are supposed to experience life, good, bad or indifferent, as it unfolds before you.  The key word is "experience." Life is meant to be exciting, thrilling and your body expects you to be active.  You were born to live life fully, so why sit behind a desk texting all day?  Break away from the grind of your everyday life and join us.  

One never knows what the next moment will bring.  Wouldn't it be disappointing if you didn't try new adventures in this life just because you didn't take the time for self-care?   You are the most important person there is.  If it weren't for you, this would be a completely different world?  The impression you have created is more profound than you know. Why not live life to its fullest? Sense it, feel it, right here and now.  If you start living now, when will you ever begin? If not now, when?  

-Hurry!  Our Early Bird Special runs out soon.
-Register today by sending us your name, email, and phone number.  
-Ten days All Inclusive $3333 (Early Bird Special)
-Yoga Adventure Retreat in Costa Rica 
-We've extended the deadline for your $500 deposit until Oct 15th.


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