You are the Most Important Person Here

Think about the hole that would exist in this world if you weren’t here. Who would care for the people you love in just the way that you do? If you did not exist, who would leave your unique imprint and contribution in the world?  Who would create life in the way that only you can, with your distinct DNA, personality, and spirit? 

You belong in the here and now, in this present time and you are needed in the world.  Learn to love yourself fully and bring your best self to it.  It will become a better place as you develop into your Absolute Best.
Accept your true worth rather than cheat yourself and others of your God-given gifts. Accept your flaws and your defects and learn to use them in your favor. Think of how you can turn the negative into a positive and allow the world around you receive the benefit of your existence. 

Perhaps you notice others in your family or community needing love, care, and kindness. Congratulate yourself for recognizing that need and then find a way to share your love with them.  You belong to a select group of people who can see when others are in need.  Most people will not take their eyes off themselves for fear that they may lose something if they do.  It takes courage to move beyond your comfort zone and lend a hand to a fellow human being in need.  Most people are so bogged down with their own problems, they cannot imagine the freedom that comes by giving and sharing with others.  

Learn how to become someone who accepts the good with the bad about yourself and works towards changing into your personal best.  Once you do, you will realize that helping others is the only way to stay on top of your game.  

You and this world will never be perfect. This life on earth is a never-ending work in progress. However, opening your heart and loving yourself is one of the most expedient ways to develop into your Absolute Best! Love is not perfection; it is an ongoing effort to expand your consciousness and grow.

We hope to inspire you to become introspective, learn about your strengths and accentuate your positives attributes as you venture with us through the magical jungle of Costa Rica.  Come to experience the "Emergence into the Spirit of Love" Retreat on February 5th through the 15th, 2019.  There, you will delve deep into your heart and release yourself from the bonds that hold you back in life.   

Your true nature is waiting for you to align with its power, grace, and beauty.  When are you going to take the time to stop, listen and feel the essence of who you are if you don't do it now?  Your highest self is inside of you patiently waiting for recognition and realization.  It's waiting for you to make the connection between your inner and outer world.  Are you willing to open your heart and accept the gift of love?  If so, then join us!  



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